Pathway to High School
This chart shows how many semesters of each subject a student needs to successfully complete Northstar. Successful completion at Northstar means that the student has finished all requirements. Ceremonies, certificates, and honors may accompany this achievement. Students attending Northstar who do not complete all requirements will still be able to move on to high school but will enter with deficits.
Requirements for completion at Northstar:
Entering 6th Grade | Entering 7th Grade | Entering 8th Grade | |
English | 6 semesters | 4 semesters | 2 semesters |
Social Studies* | 6 semesters | 4 semesters | 2 semesters |
Math | 6 semesters | 4 semesters | 2 semesters |
Science** | 6 semesters | 4 semesters | 2 semesters |
Art | 4 semesters | 2 semesters | 1 semester |
Physical Education | 2 semesters | 1 semester | 1 semester |
Support Group & Electives | 6 semesters | 4 semesters | 2 semesters |
Community Service – 20 hours per year required
*1 year successful completion of US History and 1 year successful completion of Washington State History are required for graduation
** Must successfully complete a minimum of 1 semester in each of the following subject areas: Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science.